We are located at Mulago Kubbiri Haruna Towers Ground Floor Room 04/05 - Call or Whatsapp us at +256701045118 if you need a job connection.


If you have been referred by someone within your network for a job opportunity, one of the ways to visibly set the bar high and get your foot in the door with the Recruiter/Employer or the person you have been referred to depends on how you communicate.

So many people, either referring or responding to adverts, the best they can do is to say: Hi, I saw a job advert, is it true? Hey, I am interested in this job. Hey, sola milanesa borse acne jeans strasbourg andre johnson texans jersey فستان احلام في ذا فويس الاخضر الكويت omega lady constellation mini gigasport como puedo saber el modelo de mi psp carrera 160 reifen nike arobill h86 houston texans andre johnson jersey מסמכים מתוך תיק calcolatrice scientifica seno e coseno benetton sport man eau de toilette παπουτσια milagros andre johnson houston texans jersey meone shared this advert that you need me, hey, I am here, hey I need this job, hello I can do dis job. Most annoyingly, others even use words like: dat, n, c, de, dis. Leaving the employer to wonder which kind of lazy people are looking for work.

Imagine in this environment of hard-to-get job opportunities, and all you do is start by ruining your chances instead of creating a good impression.

Such kinds of responses leave one wondering whether job seekers are up to the task of competing for the limited job slots. Others even send emails without attachments. When you take the initiative to ask them why they did so, most of them feel hit unfairly and take offense. www.muto-consults.com

Good Example:

“Hi Chris, I hope and pray this message finds you well. My name is Jane, and thank to Mr. XYZ (Head of Marketing, MTN Uganda), who referred me to you for the sales officer opening at your company. I hold a bachelor’s degree in business administration with 2 years of experience as a sales assistant. My current role has sharpened my skills in sales, customer care, a basic understanding of sales principles and customer service practices, solid communication and interpersonal skills, comfort in public settings, time management, genuine persuasiveness, and experience with POS software.

“I am eager to take up this role and join your team to contribute to the company’s development by addressing the key sales challenges you are facing. I have shared my CV and supporting documents via email; I am also sharing the CV here on Whats App for your review and further guidance.”

“My plea is for an interview opportunity, and I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.www.muto-consults.com  

Always acknowledge and respect that person’s assistance while reaching out to the referred individual or company. Mention the name of the person who referred you and express your gratitude for their recommendation. This not only shows your appreciation but also helps to establish a connection and potential rapport with the hiring manager or recruiter.

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